Community Ministries: There are so many ways to serve! St James is well known as the “Big Green Church that Cares”. We reach out to our neighbors, near and far. Some of our ongoing outreach works include:
St. James Happy to Help Food Pantry, serving 600 families a month. Volunteers helping our neighbors, under the spirit and guidance of Jesus. The pantry is open on three Sundays per month from 10:30AM to 2:00PM. Please enter at our Fair Street entrance. Face masks are required. To maintain social distancing a small group will enter the building, get their groceries, then exit before another small group can enter. Please remember to bring your own reusable grocery bags. Thank you! A good way to check for the pantry’s hours is to check the monthly schedule posted on its Facebook Page. You can also call the church office to inquire if the pantry is open that week: 845-331-3030. Volunteers are needed! You can send a private message to the pantry’s leaders through Facebook here.
- Volunteers in Mission, going near and far to help neighbors who have been victims of natural disasters, from Fleishmanns, NY to Biloxi, MS or Hurricane Sandy victims in NY.
- Messy Church, a monthly free event with crafts and activities for all ages, Bible storytelling, and a free community dinner. We plan to resume outdoor events in the spring! If you have questions or would like to get involved, you can message our Messy Church team through our Messy Church Facebook Page.
- Donating to the Washbourne House,* a local domestic violence shelter, the Migrant Ministries Program, the Pregnancy Support Program, and more
- Visiting or sending cards to shut-ins, service people and college students
- Open doors to many community groups holding meetings here, including self-help groups, scouts, musical and community service groups
- Vacation Bible School, welcoming all children to come have fun while learning about God’s love for them
- Working with “Midtown Rising”*, a cooperative venture to support mid-town Kingston
- Crop Walk: Participating in the annual walk to help end hunger at home and afar.
* Some links are to other websites and will open in a new tab or window.